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More about this event

Over the past decade, Terrell Edwards Music has built solid relationships and shared the stage with legends like Jay Leno, The Harlem Globetrotters, Motown Executives, MGM and more! One of our biggest accomplishments has been the ability to bring aid and awareness to the needs of people through entertainment. Well over $100,000 has been raised and distributed to the Mustard Seed, Hope Mission, and Youth Initiatives in Strathcon County. We are proud to now be in partnership with the Alzheimers Society of Alberta and Northwest Territories.

Come join Terrell Edwards and friends on March 5, 2020 as they present A Night of Motown. Taking us back to one of the most memorable times in music history. Motown is not only the greatest pop music hit factory ever heard, but a state of mind, a way of life, a style, the “Sound of Young America.” The distinctive, upbeat and uplifting music brought together pop and soul, white and black, old and young, like never before and continues to this day.

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